1 The Český les Protected Landscape Area (Czech: Chráněná krajinná oblast Český les, usually abbreviated as CHKO Český les, the name can be translated as Bohemian Forest)

JARO is an artist-run space for ecology-related residencies and courses in the bohemian forest, the Czech Republic. Situated right at the edge of the Český les Protected Landscape Area1, the space aims to bring together thinkers, makers and researchers with an interest in landscape- and place-based investigations.

We’re currently transforming our old stodola into a workplace that’s fit for residencies, screenings, tiny exhibitions, thematic lectures, discussions, and courses. JARO’s origin lies within Indian classical music, as we’ve been hosting and teaching Dhrupad courses for over two decades. Once the renovation is complete, our focus will broaden and shift towards visual art and ecology. On the land around the stodola, we are slowly planting a small food forest and permaculture garden.
If you are interested in visiting, collaborating or supporting, please contact us.